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Statistics Using R (2nd ed.)

Statistics Using R (2nd ed.)


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  • ISBN :9781009400152 9781009400121 9781009400152
  • Publisher :Cambridge University Press
  • Publication Date :December 2023
  • Language :English
  • Print Length :726
Statistics Using R (2nd ed.)

Statistics Using R (2nd ed.): An Integrative Approach Sharon Lawner Weinberg, Daphna Harel, Sarah Knapp Abramowitz

Statistics Using R introduces the most up-to-date approaches to R programming alongside an introduction to applied statistics using real data in the behavioral, social, and health sciences. It is uniquely focused on the importance of data management as an underlying and key principle of data analysis. It includes an online R tutorial for learning the basics of R, as well as two R files for each chapter, one in Base R code and the other in tidyverse R code, that were used to generate all figures, tables, and analyses for that chapter. These files are intended as models to be adapted and used by readers in conducting their own research. Additional teaching and learning aids include solutions to all end-of-chapter exercises and PowerPoint slides to highlight the important take-aways of each chapter. This textbook is appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate students in social sciences, applied statistics, and research methods.

In The Press

‘Weinberg, Harel, and Abramowitz have created an accessible and example-filled introductory statistics textbook that simultaneously teaches users the basics of R. With interactive tutorials and plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning, students and researchers who are new to statistics and want a modern, comprehensive treatment of the material should start here!’ Jennifer Hill, New York University, USA

Product details

  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • Published: December 2023
  • ISBN: 9781009400152
  • Edition: 2
  • Title: Statistics Using R Author: Sharon Lawner Weinberg; Daphna Harel; Sarah Knapp Abramowitz
  • Imprint: Cambridge University Press
  • Language: English
  • Number of Pages: 726

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