eBook - Pdf

Active Matter and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics


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  • ISBN :9780192674098
  • Publisher :OUP Oxford
  • Publication Date :October 2022
  • Language :English
  • Print Length :673

About the Author

  • Publisher: OUP Oxford
  • Published: October 2022
  • ISBN: 9780192674098
  • Title: Active Matter and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Series: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School No. 112 Author: Julien Tailleur (ed.); Gerhard Gompper (ed.); M. Cristina Marchetti (ed.); Julia M. Yeomans (ed.); Christophe Salomon (ed.)
  • Imprint: OUP Oxford
  • Language: English
  • Number of Pages: 673

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